This Is What Happens When A Kid Leaves Traditional Education

Original Artical Here

Logan Laplante is a 13 year-old boy who was taken out of the education system to be home schooled instead. Not only was he home schooled, but Logan had the ability to tailor his education to his interests and also his style of learning, something traditional education does not offer. As Logan has mentioned, when he grows up he wants to be happy and healthy. At a TEDx talk in 2013, he discussed how hacking his education is helping him achieve that goal.

greenlogo3Welcome to where you can find a wide range of information about sustainable architecture and natural building. As an example of natural building, the image at the upper left was taken during the construction of the earthbag house that has served as the home for and Kelly and Rosana Hart, your hosts.

The Greened House Effect

MAY 27, 2013

(original article here)

Published in 2013 by Chelsea Green, The Greened House Effect: Renovating Your Home with a Deep Energy Retrofit, by Jeff Wilson, is a worthy read. Jeff Wilson is committed to doing what he can to conserve energy and safeguard our environment, and he does this through tackling his own home with a deep energy retrofit (DER). As a media professional focused on sustainable architecture and a former builder, he brings considerable knowledge to the topic. His detailed account of the experience is both instructive and entertaining. 

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